Wednesday, January 12, 2011

HE:EDtweet: What would it take to end us-versus-them? #charter #public

After reading many tweets, updates, posts, and articles about the us-versus-them climate of traditional public school districts and charter schools (around the country) it seemed odd to find an article highlighting the fact that at least nine (9) districts in larger cities have signed agreements with intent to work with local charter schools.

It would seem logical for traditional public school districts and public charter schools to work together but every other comment you read displays one bashing the crap out of the other.

Is it impossible to believe traditional public school districts and public charter schools can work together?

What are some of the barriers keeping collaboration from happening?

Is there nothing to be gained from collaboration?

What happens to the status/quality of education if traditional public school districts and public charter schools (that do not currently work together) cannot learn to partner?

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